Portrait picture of myself
The chap who wrote this stuff
Picture of myself and my wife at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland
My beautiful bride and I at the Cliffs of Moher

Hi there! 👋

My name is Jason Adams.

You have found my tiny corner of the Internet, and you are welcome here!

Presently, I work as the Manager of Development over at GiveWP.

My background is fairly eclectic. I’ve developed promotional software for youth events, built years inventing a Tribometer (specialized piece of testing equipment) with my dad, designed and programmed home automation systems for the absurdly wealthy, developed countless websites, traveled to over a dozen countries doing missions, and like candy more than the average child.

Oh, and I’m a Christian. Not the kind, that sadly does exist, which tries to be perfect and tell everyone else they should be too; but the kind that loves people as sincerely as possible because I believe no on loved more truly or faithfully than Jesus.

What will you find here?

I built this website simply because I like to think. And sometimes I like to write those thoughts down.

I’m not trying to build anything or become anything. I’m not particularly interested in notoriety for its own sake. If folks find my musings useful, that’s lovely. If not, I hope you have a great day!

As far as topics to cover, it’s likely a fairly wide range. I think about tech, life, religion, economics, and so forth in no particular order.

That about sums it up!

Thank you for taking the time to visit. Whoever you are and whatever you do, I truly hope and wish the best for you. May you find truth, wisdom, and joy in all the right places.

Cheers! 🍻

Random Questions

Well, when you have a name like Jason Adams, not so shockingly it’s taken pretty much everywhere: jasonadams.com, [email protected], and so forth. It’s a hopeless errand. So years ago I thought putting an article in my name would sound whimsical and up my chances of having something consistent! And I was right! And in case someone is like, “You’re not the adams! You’re just another adams! So it should be JasonAAdams!” Yeah, but then it sounds like that’s an initial. Nope, I went with “the”.

Not really. Hahah!

More clearly, I don’t “love” programming, but I do enjoy it at many points. Truth is, I’ve tried to get out of programming a few different times in my life to go do something like missions full time. But then I felt found God drawing me back into it through crazy circumstances. Eventually I decided to just lean into it, and here I am many years later!

That said, contrary to popular Hollywood opinion, I don’t believe you have to love what you do. I think that’s needlessly romantic thinking. I don’t love doing the dishes, but I like having clean dishes; I don’t love paying bills, but I like not being in debt and being legal; I don’t love programming, but I like the freedom it affords me and the unique challenges it provides.

If you can’t tell, I like to keep things light and simple.

I did! Thanks!

You know, I’ve spent years of my life trying to be a great designer and I finally realized it just wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m ok with that!

People don’t look at my designs and go, “Oh wow! It’s beautiful! It’s like poetry in pixel form!” But they’re also not confused. Ultimately, I realized that’s my style: clear and intuitive. I could make this site reminiscent of the glorious early days of the Internet where every website was like a fireworks show, but I’d rather keep it clear and simple. If anything shines it should be the content. I don’t want to compensate with flare.